Mountain Monarch Festival
Friends of Gorges State Park presents Mountain Monarch Festival
Join in the celebration of the migration of our endangered Monarch Butterflies at the Mountain Monarch Festival! This event will feature an exciting lineup of events including:
-Monarch Migration Programming
-Monarch Tagging & Release
-Monarch Hike
-Food Trucks
-Keynote Speaker
-Native Plants
-Local Vendor Booths
-Local and Student Artists
-Kid’s Crafts & Activities
-Face Painting
-Monarch Migration Programming
-Monarch Tagging & Release
-Monarch Hike
-Food Trucks
-Keynote Speaker
-Native Plants
-Local Vendor Booths
-Local and Student Artists
-Kid’s Crafts & Activities
-Face Painting
This FREE event is sponsored by Gorges State Park, Friends of Gorges State Park, NC Department of Commerce, and NC Cooperative Extension.
Registration is REQUIRED: https://www.ncparks.gov/…/gorg…/events/monarch-fest-2024
The festival will be held rain or shine.