Slice of Life Standup Comedy Pageant

Slice of Life Standup Comedy Pageant

Slice of Life Standup Comedy Pageant
This Thursday September 26, 2024.
7p-9p, doors at 6:30p
The Orange Peel’s Comedy Basement, Pulp Lounge, 103 Hilliard Ave, Downtown Asheville
Tickets: $15…/pulp/asheville-north-carolina/
Hosted by Hilliary Begley from Netflix & Amazon Prime!
Cocktails available while you laugh the night away to some of the area’s best Stand Up Comics in a ridiculously fun adult environment!!
Free snacks while availability lasts! You may bring your own food in (no drinks)!
Participants are WINNERS of three standup contest 9/05, 12 & 19. Pageant Winner gets title and grand cash prize. Audience votes thru ballot!
Free snacks and outside food allowed.
9/5 winner Zandra Johnson
9/12 winners tied Roman Fraden & Jordan Julius
9/19 winner Jason Reel
Plus a wild card James Harrod!
This show is more than just great standup! Contestants must vie for the title through games.
Audience votes thru ballot. Winner gets $200 cash prize!

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