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Carolina Blue Design Group

Carolina Blue Design Group

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Carolina Blue Design Group is owned and operated by Sarah W. Maupin and is located in Western North Carolina. Carolina Blue specializes in Branding, Graphic Design, and Design Consulting and works with startups and small to mid-sized businesses, locally and nationally. We help businesses GROW by developing professional marketing materials that "visually speak" to their target audience.nnWith over 20 years of experience, Carolina Blue Design Group prides itself on excellent communication with its clients and vendors. We go the extra step, making sure you're well-informed every step of the way. From concept to completion, we are here to answer questions, listen to your needs and goals, brainstorm ideas, and create design that will improve your brand exposure and increase your sales by attracting new customers! nnNo project would be successful without a creative team and Carolina Blue Design Group works with many professionals offering quality photography, copy writing, printing, web design, and more to support your business needs. We partner with skilled vendors and help you find affordable options that fit your budget.nnWe offer a FREE consultation and design quote on any project in print or on the web! Call us... Let's get creative today!


98 Boyd Hill Drive, Hendersonville, NC, USA

Contact Information

98 Boyd Hill Drive, Hendersonville, NC, USA
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Author Info

Sarah Maupin

Member since 4 years ago
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