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Carrie Ann Chandler REALTOR with eXp Realty

Carrie Ann Chandler REALTOR with eXp Realty

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Carrie Ann Chandler REALTOR with eXp RealtyHello Friends! I'm Carrie Ann Chandler, REALTOR with eXp Realty. I love real estate. I love searching for homes. I love helping folks enjoy homeownership. I love helping folks create generational wealth. There are many things I love about helping people find the right home for their lifestyle and budget. Finding a home is such a personal journey. That journey can be exciting and it can also be stressful. I believe in supporting my clients from start to finish as they navigate the real estate world. If you are looking for a committed and client-focused advocate, please give me a call!

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I am a value driven agent on a mission. My mission is to help folks from all walks of life find and sell homes here in WNC. I do this with my three core values in mind.

Here is some unpacking of my values.

❤️Compassion - The home buying and/or home selling process is STRESSFUL. I know a thing or two about stress. This is why having compassion for my clients and those around me is so important. I hope to have compassion and practice patience, trauma responsive techniques, and create customized experiences for my clients.

❤️Inclusion- I will work with everyone. I prioritize being an accepting, welcoming, person. I want to create spaces and a culture in my business where all feel welcomed.

❤️Responsibility - I take this role very seriously. For most it will be the biggest purchase of your lifetime. I will provide fiduciary responsibilities to the highest level. I will be your knowledgeable expert, practice due diligence, and rely on the expertise of my firm. I will be an agent clients can trust.

Carrie Ann Chandler REALTOR with eXp RealtyI have had a special connection to the mountains of Western North Carolina since I was a child, visiting my Mawmaw and Pawpaw here every summer made me a transplant Southerner. I attended undergrad at Brevard College near Pisgah National Forest and after a short stint hopping around between Iowa and Philadelphia I relocated here permanently in 2016. I love exploring the mountains, visiting local eateries, and building connections in the community. When I'm not showing homes and exploring the area with clients, I spend time running, relaxing with my family, or volunteering for a number of nonprofits. I'll be happy to not only help you find a home, but also help you find a community.



Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina, United States

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Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina, United States
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Carrie Chandler

Member since 2 years ago
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