Apex Security Consulting
- 828-283-0070
- October 31, 2024
Dr. Keith Loop is passionate about your healing and well-being and is grateful to be of service. Dr Loop OMD provides comprehensive systemic Classical & Trigger Point Acupuncture for the body, mind & Spirit and is particularly adept at prescribing Custom Herbal Formulas for acute and chronic issues. He has over 20 years of professional healing experience specializing in the treatment of all types of pain, chronic and recalcitrant disease, immune and digestive disorders and a range of emotional, mental and stress related complaints. Please see website for Testimonials. Telemedicine Herbal Consultation and Therapy available.nnIn addition to his masters and doctorate degrees in Classical Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture, Dr Loop OMD utilizes his Advanced Herbal Medicine and Qigong training in China and his certifications and licensure in Massage Therapy, Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda to customize any Acupuncture or Bodywork session. He draws extensively on his experience as the creator of Sattva Spa and Profundus Medical Massage in Denver, CO to personalize packages and protocols for Detoxification, Rejuvenation & Anti-Aging that can highlight any custom medicinal and wellness retreat.nnYOUR PERSONAL PATH TO HEALING--LET'S GET YOU WELL & STAYING WELL!n