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Merit Massage Care

Merit Massage Care

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Solo practice providing routine therapeutic massage therapy sessions catered to each client. The main office is conveniently located near the Johnson City Mall and Angela also provides sessions in the Tower Spa at Abundant Christian Living. In addition to office sessions, Angela also offers "in home sessions" to clients throughout the Tri-Cities Tennessee area. Angela has a comforting touch and most loves to work with those on a chronic illness journey who are looking to use a helpful modality for their pain and anxiety that doesn't include more drugs and surgery. Massage therapy IS Healthcare! It is a part of CAM (Complementary/Alternative Medicine). Angela is also the only massage practitioner in the area listed as a preferred practitioner with S4OM, the Society for Oncology Massage.


1907 N Roan St suite 202, Johnson City, TN, USA

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1907 N Roan St suite 202, Johnson City, TN, USA
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Author Info

Angie Tyree

Member since 3 years ago
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