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The Storehouse

The Storehouse

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We are a Christ-centered ministry providing food assistance and life's most basic necessities for those in need in Henderson County, NC. Our Food Pantry helps local seniors, singles, and families experiencing food insecurity. Since 2000, our community partnerships enable us to provide monthly food boxes to 325+ families. Our volunteer delivery teams bring food and hygiene items to 50 homebound seniors and special needs clients throughout Henderson County. Each year we partner with the local schools and our community to help 2000+ local children have a more joyful Christmas through "Blessings in Boxes". Mailing Address: PO Box 6146, Hendersonville, NC 28793.nnIn 2023, we launched our Building Campaign! We purchased the land for our new bigger and better home. It's located1.7 miles down Spartanburg Highway from our present location. We're asking 12,500 of our closest friends to join us by donating $150. That buys 1 square foot in our new 12,500 sq. ft. building. Buy a Foot - Build a Dream!


1049 Spartanburg Hwy, Hendersonville, NC, USA

Contact Information

1049 Spartanburg Hwy, Hendersonville, NC, USA
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Author Info

Lynn Staggs

Member since 3 years ago
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